A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

You are on the quest for the city of evergreen.

You are driving an electric car and need to charge your car in every world part to make sure you have enough charge to make it!

Use W,A,S,D to move, left mouse click to collect resources and place/remove solar panels. You can hover with your cursor over some UI elements and tiles to get a tooltip.

Made for the RWTH FSMPI Winter GameJam 2025.

Theme was: Nothing is Permanent

Source Code on RWTH GitLab.


For linux, either use the .AppImage that should always work, or if you have LÖVE installed on your system, you can simply download the .love file and execute it with it.

For windows download and extract the zip and execute QuestForEvergreen.exe inside the extracted folder.


QuestForEvergreen.AppImage 22 MB
QuestForEvergreen.zip 21 MB
QuestForEvergreen.love 17 MB

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